Dumpster Pad Cleaning Services Throughout Denver

24/7 Emergency Service

Keeping Pests Away & Foul Odors at Bay

Dumpster and dumpster pad cleaning rank high on the priority list for any commercial property. Dumpster areas attract disease-carrying pests and insects, making your commercial space less sanitary. Don’t put the health of your employees and guests in danger – call the local cleaning pros at HOODZ.

  • Professional Clean. Every Time.

    The dumpster and dumpster pad cleaning services at your local HOODZ can eliminate health risks, foul odors, and a whole lot more.

    Our services are guaranteed to minimize:

    • Pest infestations
    • Bacterial growth
    • Grease spills
    • Foul odors


    Let a Professional Handle It

    Your dumpster area can quickly get out of hand. Stay on top of it by hiring the Denver experts. Our team cleans up large debris, then soaks the area with proprietary cleaners. Afterward, we use customized tools to power wash all surfaces, removing excess buildup and leaving your entire dumpster area looking like new.

    Keeping Your Property Clean

    Since a clean dumpster keeps your property safe for guests and employees, we recommend having your dumpster and dumpster pad cleaned regularly. highly recommend scheduling these services on a regular basis. Your customers will see that cleanliness is your top priority!

    Let’s get started! Call HOODZ today at 719-497-2584 to learn more about our professional dumpster pad cleaning services.

  • Request A Quote Or Service Today


What Our Customers Say

  • Excellence From Start To Finish
    “There were multiple staff members that I dealt with to get the kitchen hood cleaned. Their communication was great and they helped make completing the job effortless. They will always be my first choice for any kitchen hood or grease trap work.”

    Kevin N.

  • The Workers For Hoodz Were Amazing
    “One of the technicians, Jeremy Tart made me feel like he was concerned that he did a good job and made me feel like I was his main focus. He was very knowledgeable about how clean the job was and why my systems made a weird sound and he fixed it all in all he’s a great employee.”

    Buck Willams

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